
Archive for the ‘Quick Tips’ Category

4 Tips to Make Quick Money Online (Part 1)

November 23, 2009 Leave a comment

The fact is that there a tons of people making tons of money online today. There are some people who make an extra couple hundred dollars per month, others who make a few thousand dollars a month, some earn full time 6 figure incomes, and some who earn millions solely from their online businesses. Oh, I forgot to mention there is another whole group who tries to make money online but does not succeed. In this article we will explore four ideas that together, when applied can allow people to make money online quickly. The first absolute must to make quick money online is you must be operating in a market where there is a demand for what you are offering. So many people waste time and money marketing products and services that do not have a high level of demand and struggle to make any real money. For our purposes here let’s use a Christmas tree as an example. If you were trying to market and sell Christmas trees in the middle of June, what type of response do you think you would get? Even if you were a phenomenal marketer and salesmen, chances are you would not sell many Christmas trees in June. The simple reason for this is that there is no demand in this market in June. Yet this is exactly what some people online are trying to do by marketing products online with little or no demand. There will be more competition by marketing products or services in a market with higher demand but the reason for that is because there are people who are willing to and actually are spending money in that market. Do not make the mistake of entering a market with little or no demand. By marketing products or services that have little demand, you’re setting yourself up for frustration and failure. Take the time to do some market research and get an idea of what the markets you are considering entering into look like with respect to demand. It’s far easier to sell a product that people want than one people do not. The second idea we want to look at to make quick money online deals with the price point of the products and services you are selling. Generally cheaper products/services convert at a higher rate than more expensive products/services. However, it takes many more $20 sales to make $1000 than it would to make $1000 selling a $500 product. And generally speaking, it takes the same amount of effort to market a product at $10, $100, or $1000. Depending on what your financial goals and objectives are, you may want to consider selling more expensive products as the profits on higher ticket items will make you more money more quickly. Remember it takes the same amount of effort to market something for $10 as it does for $100 or $1000. You conversions may be a little lower marketing higher ticket items however it will yield you greater profits if you can manage any kind of decent conversion. Another point worth mentioning here deals with the marketing systems in place for a program you may be promoting. Good marketing systems get you conversions on high ticket items. If you want to make quick money online and are going to be promoting higher ticket items, make sure the marketing systems you will be utilizing are effective. With good marketing systems, your job can then simply become to drive traffic. There are several good systems that I have found that make promoting products/programs even up to $1,000 very worth while because they convert and all I have to do is drive traffic. The end result of this is making quick money online, and making a lot more of it than if I was promoting something for $20. We will resume our discussion of how to make quick money online in part 2 of this series. To recap what we have discussed so far, make sure you are entering markets and promoting products/ programs that are in demand. Selling products and promoting programs in markets where people are already spending money is much easier than entering markets where no one is spending money. Realize too that it takes the same effort to promote a $20 product as a $1000 product. Given your financial goals, you may want to consider promoting higher ticket products and programs with quality marketing systems in place. These systems, if they are good, will convert and make you quick money online and much more of it.

Categories: Quick Tips